This is definitely one of those video makes the song better situations. Now I can almost tolerate the give it to me baby like boom boom boom part in song.
You should know how I feel about sales by now. I am not really much of an Alloy fan but they have a bunch of stuff on clearance. Tragically I can't spend my washer/dryer fund but maybe you can take advantage. Here are a few things that caught my eye. everything here is below 19.99
I know there aren't to many pictures of me up yet but trust my hair has always had a life of its own. When I was little I used to asks my mom why I didnt have "Spanish" hair like my sister. The other day my friend asked me to make a facebook page dedicated to my hair so she could become a fan, after this watching "Good Hair" and seeing a shirt with my likeness. I have been inspired to take a moment to create a afro photo montage. I have gone through the tragedies of horrible relaxers in attempted to cage the beast but I have decided this is what the good Lord gave me so I'll rock it (I'll just make sure to keep my leave in conditioner close by). Rock on with your bad self!