The new display all started with this... now stay with me here
So I'm in Marshall's looking for a nightstand which was not a grand idea since I aint paying over $100 for a darn table. I pass the kitchen section and spot this non stick flexible grill basket for $9.99. Normally I would have n0 interest in a product like this but I was curious and opened it up after that is was all over. The cashier was look at me kinda strange when I when I walk up to the register with three of them.
Now I had no intention of ending up with these in my display of treasures and I already had two other ideas in mind. I'll get to them in a second. I still have one more to put up but how amazing is this.
Ok so the ideas were pretty wonderful too here goes...
The plan was to hollow out this frame (there was an ugly pic in it before) and then find a lace table cloth at Ross or somewhere to put in it. Once the lace was secure I could hang all the earrings in. I have no idea what Imma do with this big ass frame now.
Then I happened upon a plan B. I found these in the kitchen section as Marshall's as well. Not sure what there normal purpose is but I was going to hang them up and because they were baskets I figured I could find some pretty cool pictures up on the wall inside them. Then hang my earrings in the little boxes.
Since the BBQ stuff is already on the wall Im about 86% sure Im sticking with them but I wouldn't put it pass me to switch it up. lol Anyway if your not sure how to keep your earrings together I have provided you with several organizational options so get to it.
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